Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sister Berry

From the time that President Monson made the announcement in October that 19 year-old girls can now serve missions--our family has been consumed by preparing and sending Kate on a mission.  She quickly got her doctors appointments, removed her wisdom teeth and filled out papers.  She received her call in December to China, Hong Kong leaving April 3.  Her departure date was changed to January 30.  A wonderful man in our ward came one evening and gave Kate the condensed version of the temple preparation lessons in 2 hours.  Our family attended the temple together as she took out her endowment.  We did lots of shopping.  Kate did lots of praying, attending the temple, and packing.  The Sunday that she spoke in church, we were able to gather with many of  those that we love to send her off.  Then on January 30, less than 4 months from the time that President Monson made the announcement, she was gone.

I miss her.  But if ever a person was prepared to serve a mission, it is Kate.  She is filled with love.  Love of the gospel, love of the Lord, love for others.  And in my mind, that is what the gospel is all about--love. 


lawdy said...

Sister Kate Berry is an awesome missionary! We loved feeling of her excitement to serve. We look forward to hearing about her adventures!

Anonymous said...

Sister Berry is my daughter's companion in the MTC. She adores her! You can see some photos and stories at sistermoody.wordpress.com.

Janell said...

Glad to make the connection with Sister Moody's family! Grateful our daughters can serve and have this experience.