Sunday, October 21, 2012

How can this be so hard?

Bryce and I have lost weight!  At least we did this summer.  We both went on a very strict diet.  Bryce lost 23 pounds and I lost 10.  Everyone notices how great Bryce looks, and a few people notice that something is a little different about me.  Ha!

For several months we maintained it by eating reasonably--big, delightful salads were our foundation.  But we just got back from a fun weekend at Notre Dame watching the Cougars play--and even before that, I could see my habits slipping.  If I am not careful, I will gain it back!  Why is this so hard?  Just when I think I have it figured out, I lose my control and my motivation.

So this week--back to my big, yummy salads!! 

1 comment:

lawdy said...

Tell me about it. Yep, I know.