Sunday, October 16, 2011

How many members of our family does it take to move Kate to BYU?

Correct answer--all of us. Dallin also came and helped put together her bed--but he left before we took the picture. Bryce had a business trip he could not reschedule. Clint and Melissa were working. But we all try to gather whenever Kate has a major event. Or even just an event.

All of Kate's life she has had the blessing/curse of not only having hovering parents, but hovering siblings. Clint calls her the "chosen one." I am grateful that my children all support and take care of each other. But as the youngest, Kate is often the recipient of a great deal of attention and advice from all of us. I think that she knows that it is given with love.

Now she is on her own--living at the dorms. Of course, technology keeps us in close contact, but we do miss having her at home. She is doing well. She has some pain and is often frustrated with the activity limitations that she has until January. Her life with scoliosis continues to teach her patience.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Can you believe it?! Kate is off to college! That's a beautiful girls and mom photo by the way.