Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cross Country One More Year

Last year we decided to travel to as many of Caroline's cross country and track meets as we could, since it was her last year. Bryce, Jacque and I (in some combination) went to Indiana, Oregon, California and Idaho to watch Caroline run. Clint, Kate and Grandma & Grandpa Berry joined us in Logan and Provo for those meets. We really enjoyed watching what we thought was her final year for Utah State. Well, after graduating last spring, Caroline has struggled to decide what to do with her life. A serious relationship ended. She discovered from student teaching that she did not want to be a teacher right now. Cutting hair during the summer was okay, but not great.

She red-shirted one year during cross-country when she was sick, so she had one more year of eligibility left. Her coaches talked to her all summer about coming back to Utah State to run in the fall. They offered her full tuition, books, fees and money each month. They wanted her to be captain of the team. Although she had thought that she was done with Logan, she finally decided to go back to run and work on a master's degree in exercise science.

So, we are attending more meets! Last week-end we went to Provo for the BYU invitational. Caroline got 10th. She looked great. I think she is still thinking she may come back to SLC after fall, but she is not sure. This is an exciting time of life, but a difficult one. I am sure she will work it all out.

Y Mountain! A beautiful day for a track meet.
Caroline coming down the home stretch.

We were glad Grandma & Grandpa could come.


christy said...

Go Caroline! Way to be supportive guys!

Tamio & Anna said...

Congrats to Care! and fun that you didn't have to say goodbye to all those meets, just yet. I got your call earlier this week. Thanks for you thoughtfulness. I am doing well and looking pregnant so all good :)